My name is Stacey George. I am a graphic designer, an illustrator, an amateur photographer and I play a mean ukulele. I have a son named Griffin and we live in Massachusetts with two cats named Tiki and Ollie.
I was born in Canada, grew up in Massachusetts, got schooled at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia. Then I traveled around the country a little bit before moving back to my liberal wasteland home.
I currently freelance for my own clients and through Aquent. Boston is a small town and I've worked for every industry imaginable, finance, healthcare, retail, publishing, biotech, entertainment, and education. I find that freelancing allows me variety, and flexibility, and constant challenge.
Every time WordPress updates the CMS for my site, something breaks. Every. Single. Time. Today it’s the slideshow on my home page, and I’m seeing this at 5:45 a.m. and I have to get ready for work and have no time to fix it. Further, when I do have time to fix it, I’m going to have to reintroduce myself to code that I really haven’t touched in quite a while. It’s like returning to a foreign country after being away a while. Whatever familiarity you had with the language has atrophied and it takes some time before you start recognizing when people are talking about you while you’re in the room because they think you can’t follow what they’re saying.
So, apologies if you stopped by and my slide show isn’t working. There wasn’t a whole lot there, really, just the last 4-5 portfolio images I posted. I really need to redesign the whole site anyway. Perhaps this is the boot in the butt I need to start that process.
A Bootleg Humbug 2012, inspired by Charles Dickens
For the past twelve years my son and I have been compiling Christmas CDs as gifts for our family and friends. What began as a token from a single mom who couldn’t afford proper gifts has become a Christmas tradition of epic proportions. Every year we choose a theme, either a musical genre or a symbol of the holiday and we create artwork and curate a playlist to fit the theme. Past Bootleg themes have included Peace, Nativity, Christmas Specials, Christmas at the Beach, Santa, What I Want for Christmas, and we’ve covered country, punk, jazz, and a personal favorite, Winterfunkyland, in the musical genre categories.
This year, the theme is the Dickens’ novel, A Christmas Carol. We chose songs that captured the mood of the characters and certain scenes and we assembled them in the order of the story. It was a little ambitious, and I’ve been struggling with an injury, an illness, and a number of personal dramas. I wanted to create original illustrations, I wanted to burn CDs and mail them out like I normally do, but neither of these things could happen in time for Christmas. So, I’ve included the original John Leech illustrations and quotes from the story to help lead you through the songs. They’re best listened to in order, with the liner notes as a guide.
What do you do with those gift cards from Amex, Visa, and MasterCard when they get down to a couple of dollars? You can’t use them on iTunes. It’s silly to buy packs of gum, or cans of soda with a gift card. You could swipe them for a purchase and then pay the difference in cash, but that means knowing exactly what the balance is, so you can max out the card. If you’re like me, you toss them in a drawer and forget all about them, which is what Visa, MasterCard, and Amex hope you’ll do so they can pocket that $1.74 or $2.76. You can imagine how those forgotten balances add up!
But if you have a Square credit card reader and account you can swipe those microcredits right into your bank account. Log onto the card’s web site and check the balance, then swipe the card into your Square account to recover whatever is left. Today I recouped $15.72 after a small fee. Not bad for junk drawer clutter!
Located in Lexington, Massachusetts, The Music Emporium sells some of the finest guitars, banjos, mandolins, and ukuleles you can find in New England. This design features the headstocks of the four instruments in which the store specializes, arranged in a Swiss cross around the store logo. The design was printed to American Apparel T-shirts and made available for Christmas 2011.
Clementine 1.5 is the Daft Punk version of Clown Shoes Clementine, “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.” The label illustrates the original Clementine tree as fully grown, and like its predecessors, Hoppy Feet and Hoppy Feet 1.5, the color of the sky has changed to show the passage of time and the increased intensity of the brew.
That’s right, I’ve added a Logos category to my portfolio. There are only a few uploaded so far, but according to my agent, it’s an important skill set to showcase. Not sure how she’s going to feel about that last one, however.
Beer, stickers, coasters, and tattoos, just add ice!
I’m catching up with my email after a painful tooth extraction and I found a note from my friend, Michael, who ran the Boston Marathon for the second time this year to raise money for Children’s Hospital. I’ve known Michael since we were kids, so last year when he sent out an invitation to a cribbage tournament he was hosting to raise money for the marathon, I was more than happy to sign up. I did well, considering I’m not a very good cribbage player, and won first place in the consolation round, making me “best of the losers.” I display the trophy proudly.
This year, Michael asked again that I participate, but he also asked about a donation of Clown Shoes beer for the basket raffle. Between the folks at Clown Shoes and me, we were able to assemble this pretty gnarly beer bucket of awesome.
Tim, another friend I’ve known since grade school, came down to the tournament deliberately to buy lots of raffle tickets and put them all in for the Clown Shoes prize. It was no surprise when he won, but a little bit of surprise when we realized he had walked to the event and had to carry the thing home! Always the team player, I drove him and the enormous bucket o’ beer home, I think he owes me a pint next time we’re out.
Again, I didn’t win the tournament, but it was great to see old friends, we were all there to support Michael and his charity, and according to the email I finally read this morning, he raised close to $10,000 for Children’s Hospital Boston!
Of course, if you have the energy to run the Boston Marathon in almost 90 degree heat, you don’t sit on your laurels when it’s over. Now Michael is taking part in the Best Buddies Challenge, a 100 mile bike ride from the JFK Library to Hyannisport, MA to raise money for Best Buddies, a non-profit organization whose mission is to creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual disabilities.
I’m pretty sure a bucket of beer would be little use and a heavy burden for a 100 mile bike ride, so in addition to sponsoring Michael, I’m giving him a little shout out. He’s committed to raising $1450 for the organization, and his fund raising page is here, support him if you can, thank you.
As it is Tuesday, I was wondering what kind of tool I could post about. I haven’t bought any terribly useful apps lately and my tech toy budget is nil. But a tool is simply something useful, so today’s tool is Useful People.
You can never underestimate the importance of Useful People, especially when combined with Relationship Maintenance. One of the projects I’m working on for Clown Shoes Beer is a costume for the real Miracle Mike. Miracle is one of Clown Shoes most recent beers, and Miracle Mike is one of their truck drivers who modeled for the label illustration. He has boldly agreed to appear in costume at upcoming events to promote the Clown Shoes Minor Miracle Fund.
Here I Come to Save the Day!
I designed the costume for the illustration before I knew I would be charged with recreating the costume for real, so I didn’t worry much about embossed Clown Shoes belt buckles or appliqued logos, or actual clown shoes that can be worn while running around beer events and music fests. I can’t sew. I don’t know much at all about costuming. But I am good at surrounding myself with talented creative people, and I am not shy about tapping those talents.
Phone calls went out to my friend who always has the best Halloween costumes. “Those “Ambiguously Gay Duo” costumes from a few years back, where did you find them?” To the woman who runs the daycare that my son attended, “Can you sew a big M onto a gold, stretchy shirt?” A keeping-in-touch dinner with my fabulous friend, Rachel, who works in Central Square, led me to Danger!Awesome Laser Engraving for the belt buckle. Finally, I leaned on my old pal, Google, who discovered Spears Specialty Shoes. Who knew there is a bespoke maker of clown shoes located in Western Mass? Sometimes, you have to expand upon the personal network!
The point is, accomplishing great things is rarely about having all the answers, or all the mad skills, it’s about knowing where to find those resources, bringing them on board, and managing them to get great things done. It also helps to have a cute, young man who will wear a superhero suit and cape and run around in clown shoes for you, but boys like him are hard to come by, so no one will blame you if you can’t find your own.
I have been, SOOOOO very busy with the latest Clown Shoes labels that I have neglected this blog entirely. There is no excuse, really. Oh, yes, I have to pay the rent and feed the kid, that IS a good excuse! But I’m taking a moment to rest my carpal tunnel and share with you my latest masterpiece.
This new label, completed a few weeks ago, celebrates the my hometown, the Hub of the Universe, the birthplace of the Revolution, a place where sports are religion and beer is our sacramental wine, Boston. It’s also a place where we have trouble with pronouncing certain consonants, thus, the name, Supa Hero IPA.
Captain Masshole, The Protecta of the Bee-ah
As you see, our hero, Captain Masshole, flies over the Charles River and past a number of Boston landmarks, in his trademark trackpants and Clown Shoes, beer in one hand, fists at the ready, much like many of our local boys. Originally, the Captain had a chinstrap beard and a little goatee chin action, but unfortunately that made him look like pretty much every guy we know who drinks Clown Shoes Beer, so we gave him a shave and a haircut so he could stand out from the crowd.
The second label is in the works now, Clown Shoes Vampire Slayer. Let it be said, Clown Shoes is the perfect client for pushing me outside my comfort zones. I don’t like horror. I just don’t. I like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I like The Lost Boys, but after that, you’re going to give me nightmares. And don’t suggest Twilight, I won’t put you down for liking it, but it’s not my cup of twinkly, virgin tea.
So I’ve been watching a lot of Vampire movies for reference, I am unhappy about this, I am not sleeping well. The good news is the art should be completed this week and then I’m going to see the Muppet Movie as a happy chaser to this bloody cocktail!
And that’s what I’ve been up to lately while I neglect this blog. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!