Located in Lexington, Massachusetts, The Music Emporium sells some of the finest guitars, banjos, mandolins, and ukuleles you can find in New England. This design features the headstocks of the four instruments in which the store specializes, arranged in a Swiss cross around the store logo. The design was printed to American Apparel T-shirts and made available for Christmas 2011.
Category Archives: Design
The Salvation Army and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center Dedication
Located in Uphams Corner, Dorchester, the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center is a cutting edge service, education and health center. I was honored to design the invitation and program materials for the Dedication Ceremony this Spring. The theme of the event was The Promise of Hope—Fulfilled, I designed the invitation, shown here, with a short cut first panel, revealing the sky of the panel beneath and opening to reveal the artist’s rendering of the new center, the fulfillment of a promise from Ray and Joan Kroc to the Boston community. (the image illustrates the tri-fold invitation as you open it. Left to right, cover, first two panels, full spread)
Brine King Goalkeeper Gloves
When Brine/Warrior Sports asked if I’d like to try my hand at designing goalkeeper gloves, I replied, “Goalies wear gloves?”
I think I’m one of 13 people in America who didn’t play soccer in their childhood. Not once. I didn’t know anything about the game beyond you can’t use your hands and L.A. got Beckham past his prime. But I was performing some light packaging production work for Brine and it was the holidays, so the office was slow and my manager thought it would be a good time to get a head start on some product development.
The stitching across the backhand of the gloves is the Brine “King” logo turned at an angle and the striping on the wristband is derivative of the curls of his hair. The design became the Brine King Goalkeeper Glove line, available in 3 levels of protection.
HiWired, Inc. Presentation Folder and Datasheets
Working for a tech start-up in August 2008 was like having tickets for the maiden cruise of the Titanic. Everyone was working hard, making money, enjoying Free Bagel Fridays and signing up for ping-pong tournaments. And then we hit an iceberg called Lehman Bros. and it was women and children first.
Before disaster hit, I was focused on developing the company branding and producing collateral materials like this presentation folder and datasheets. Free bagels, sigh, it was fun while it lasted.
Peirce School 5th Grade Yearbook
One of the cool things about having a graphic designer for a parent is you get a pretty spectacular yearbook for your graduation from elementary school. I designed the book, illustrated the cover and photographed all the students and faculty. But more importantly, I suggested a digital printing solution that allowed the books to be produced under budget. The quality of the books were such that the parents were able to sell many times more sponsor ads than in any year previous and the additional income negated the need for the children to hold a car wash to pay for their class graduation party.
Bradford Mercantile Website
The Bradford Mercantile is a brick and mortar store in Rhode Island, well actually it’s in a historic yellow barn. It is a uniquely New England shop specializing in wares for the colonial and primitive homes. I worked with the development team to design the visual elements of the site to compliment the style of the shop.
Cambridge School of Weston 2011 Reunion
The Cambridge School of Weston is a progressive, coeducational school with an active and engaged alumni. This invitation for all alumni to attend their annual spring reunion took their existing modern and colorful branding and added the suggestion of celebration and fun.
The invitation needed to include the itinerary as well as reservation and accommodation information, so a tri-fold self-mailer was a successful solution. (the image illustrates the invitation as you open it. Left to right, cover, first two panels, full spread)